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Uploading pictures
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Webcam picture
Take a picture with your webcam
Upload pictures
Click to upload or drag your image here
Upload video
Webcam recording
Take a video with your webcam
Upload video
Click to upload or drag your video here
Record a video
Please allow Jamble to use your camera
Jamble needs access to your camera to take videos. You can find the access notification in your browser. Please allow your browser get access to your webcam.
Take a picture
Please allow Jamble to use your camera
Jamble needs access to your camera to take photos. You can find the access notification in your browser. Please allow your browser get access to your webcam.
At the top of the browser window you will find a security question.
Please confirm this query by clicking 'Allow':
At the top of the browser window you will find a security question.
Please choose your webcam in the dropdown menu and approve by clicking on "Allow access on chosen device"
Click on 'Allow' to use webcam
This allows the Flash player to use the webcam for a picture
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